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The 8-th International Meeting of Tourism took place in April 20-23 2016 in the city of Plovdiv. 

The event was officially started on April 21 in Park Hotel Plovdiv. Participants from over 70 companies in the tourist branch from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Turkey, Kosovo, Sweden, Japan, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Macedonia, England, Malta and Serbia filled the hall to join the opening ceremony and the presentations of the city. The program continued with a panel of B2B meetings, during which the participants will have the chance to expand their business network. 
The official opening was conducted by the deputy mayor of Plovdiv – Ms. Amelia Gesheva, with the attendance of the deputy mayor Mr. Georgi Tityukov and Ms. Irena Georgieva from the Ministry of Tourism. 
The ceremony was followed by guided tours in the city and presenting one of the newest sites – the Regional Natural Science Museum. A performance by State Opera Plovdiv particularly designed for the forum was presented in the Early Christian Basilica. 
The program for the next days included visiting hotel in the city, joining theme routes and attending the Fair of Crafts. 
One of the main aspects of this year’s edition of the meeting was the activities for youths and adolescents offered in the city, as well as presenting Plovdiv as a leading wine destination.
Another event in this branch will start within a few days – the most prestigious independent wine contest Concours Mondial de Bruxelles.



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